+FDTC: Report the polled station capabilities
+FET: Post Page Message Response
+FET=n Transmit Page Punctuation
+FHNG Call Terminations with Status
+FK Session Termination
+FLID= Local ID String
+FLPL Document for polling
+FMDL? Identify Model
+FMFR? Identify Manufacturer
+FPHCTO Phase C Time Out
+FPOLL Indicates polling request
+FPTS: Page Transfer Status
+FPTS= Page Transfer Status
+FREV? Identify Revision
+FSPL Enable polling
+FTSI: Report the Transmit Station ID
3.8 SVD Commands
-SAC Accept Data mode request
-SCD= Capabilities data
-SDA Start modem data mode
-SDT Date
-SEM Erase message
-SER? Error reporting
-SFA Facsimile data mode event message
-SFX Start facsimile data mode
-SIC Reset capabilities data to default settings
-SIP Initialize Voice View parameters
-SMD Modem data mode event message
-SMS=X,Y,Z,T Select ASVD/DSVD Mode. The X
parameter selects data, ASVD, DSVD or
automatic mode where 0=Data mode;
1=DSVD mode; 2=ASVD mode;
3=automatic mode select (default). Y,Z,T
are optional parameters to control
connection speeds.
-SMT Telephone handset mute control
-SNO Notification timer
-SOR Reject or overflow system messages
-SQQ Start capabilities query
-SQR=n Capabilities query response control
-SQS=X,Y Select ASVD modulation. Parameter X
selects the modulation mode where
0=V.61; 1=ML144; 2=ML288. The Y
parameter enables/disables ASVD
automatic modulation