1.3.2. Nokia 6212 classic mobile phone settings for Maxis FastTap
To optimise your Maxis FastTap service, please ensure that your Nokia 6212 classic mobile phone
is configured as follows:-
Date & Time Settings
Go to Menu > Settings > Date and time
o Configure the mobile phone date to today’s date
Mobile Data Settings
Your Nokia 6212 classic mobile phone has pre-configured Mobile Data settings, however if you
are experiencing difficulties in downloading, please check that the settings are configured as
per below. If the settings differ, you can request your settings again via
Go to Menu > Settings > Configuration
1. Check “Maxis 3G” for Default configuration setting
2. Check “Maxis 3G WAP” for Preferred access point
Note: If you are experiencing application download errors, Date & Time settings and/or Mobile Data Settings may
not have been configured correctly.