
Problem: I hear a ticking sound along with my audio.
Possible Cause1: Use the Duo plugged directly into the computer’s USB
port. On the other USB port, use only the computer keyboard and mouse with no
other USB devices.
Possible Cause2: This could be due to an internal device interfering with the
USB bus. Refer to the section, “Optimizing Your System for Audio” in this manual.
Before You Call Midiman/M-Audio Technical Support
The technical support team at Midiman/M-Audio wants to get you up and
running in an efficient and timely manner. To help us help you, please read the
following before calling technical support.
Use Midiman/M-Audio Resources
In addition to your manuals, we also provide you with the following sources of information:
Read Me Files: In your CD ROM, locate the Midiman/M-Audio product you own and
open that folder. Find the appropriate Platform (Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000, Mac OS 9,
X, etc.) that the folder may contain for your product. The Read Me Files often contain
important information regarding updated drivers or driver installation procedures.
Website: Studies show that over 75% of our calls can be avoided, thereby saving you the
hold-time and inherent phone bill, by tapping into the resources our website has to offer.
The Midiman/M-Audio web page is also available to you on your drivers CD ROM. There
you will find FAQs, Tips & Tricks, and How-To Guides to walk you through installing
your product as well as configuring it with some of today’s most popular software
applications. You can also find updated web pages on the world wide web at
www.midiman.net or www.midiman.com. Go to SUPPORT and browse through the
How-To Guides and FAQs to read up on issues related to product drivers.
Gather Important Information
If you cannot find what you are looking for within the Midiman/M-Audio
resources, you can call our technical support line. Please be ready to provide the
following basic information.
Product Name: Please know the exact name of the Midiman/M-Audio product
you own (make and model— Example: “Midisport 2x2”, “Delta Audiophile
2496”). Tell the tech how long you have owned the product. If you start with the
frame of mind of providing basic information, your tech call will go smoothly
from the get-go.
System Information: The next most important piece of information is what
computer platform you are using—i.e. Is this a Macintosh or a PC, and what
Operating System (O.S.) are you running with it Windows 98, ME, etc. or Mac
OS 9.1, 9.2 etc.? Also tell us what kind of processor you are using (Athlon, G4,
Pentium, etc.) and how much RAM you have.
If you are a PC user, be prepared to let us know the following:
1. What kind of chipset does your motherboard have? (Consult your motherboard
manual or computer’s manual for help with this). 2. Are devices such as Modems,