scheduled maintenance checks and services
Frequency and Scheduled Maintenance
Proper care, maintenance and adjustment will contribute to the
peak performance of the MasterCra boat, while also extending
the overall service life and the resale value.
e pages that follow provide instructions on how to accom-
plish the required checks, inspections and services listed. An
authorized MasterCra service department is the best source for
proper maintenance.
Note: e engine and drive train require scheduled main-
tenance checks and services in addition to the boat’s other
maintenance requirements. Read and understand the en-
gine owner’s manual that has been provided, and follow the
maintenance schedule to ensure proper operation and quality
service over the life of the boat and drive train. Failure to fol-
low the maintenance requirements and instructions listed in
this and all other manuals may result in damage to the com-
ponents, systems and equipment of the boat, which resulting
damage would not be covered by warranty! Safety issues are
also directly impacted by proper maintenance!
e following denitions apply to maintenance:
Check—Verify the operational readiness by physical measure-
ment, i.e., measuring the oil level with the dipstick gauge or
alignment with a feeler gauge.
Inspect—Determine the operational readiness by examination,
i.e., by sight, sound or feel.
Change—Tasks required periodically to keep the boat in proper
operating condition, i.e., drain, replenish or service.
New Boat Break-In
Note: MasterCra recommends the following functions be per-
formed by authorized MasterCra technicians at an authorized
MasterCra dealer.
• Lubricate the engine starter drive gear
and sha. (See Quarterly Maintenance
• Check the alignment of the propeller
sha. (See Annual Maintenance also.)
• Have an authorized MasterCra ser-
vice department change the fuel lter
aer the rst y (50) hours of opera-
tion, and then again at one hundred
(100) hours for Indmar engines. e
fuel lter should be changed annually
even if less than one hundred (100)
hours are run during the previous
season. e Volkswagen diesel engine
requires oil and lter changes every
two hundred (200) hours, or annually,
whichever comes rst.
Before Each Use
Before the engine has been started:
• Review the engine manual and trailer manual before each
• Review the Safety Checks and Services section of this Owner’s
Manual. ere are important functions that must be followed
before, during and aer every outing, without fail!
• Inspect the raw water intake water strainer for blockage. If
there is blockage, also check the transmission cooler (where
• Check the cooling system level (fresh water cooling-equipped
boats only). See the engine owner’s manual for details.
• Inspect the battery connections and hold-downs.
• Inspect the drive train for loose or missing hardware.
• Inspect the throttle and shi cables for kinks, wear and inter-
ference with other components.
• Inspect the propeller sha log for excessive water entry.
• Inspect the fuel system lines and connections for leaks.
• Inspect the exhaust system for leaks.
As you start the engine:
• Check that the voltmeter registers a fully charged battery.
After Each Use
• Refer to the Cleaning the Boat and Corrosion Prevention sec-
tions of this Owner’s Manual for guidance on a thorough ap-
proach to maintenance. Also pay attention to the information
provided regarding the maintenance of teak platforms and
accessories because the wood requires periodic maintenance
as well.
• Boats equipped with an optional flushing system for use
in salt water or brackish water should operate the flush-
ing system.
MasterCraft 2009 Owner’s Manual - Page 15-1