EXAMPLE: To configure four LNB
Astra 2 (28.2E), select LNB No 1 and set DiSEqC to 1
Astra 1 (19.2E), select LNB No 2 and set DiSEqC to 2
Hotbird 1-6 (13E), select LNB No 3 and set DiSEqC to 3
Thor 2, 3 (1W), select LNB No 4 and set DiSEqC to 4
Set LNB No 1 to 14V Skew On (for Low Band Vertical polarity)
Set LNB No 2 to 14V Skew On (for Low Band Horizontal polarity)
Set LNB No 3 to 18V Skew On (for High Band Vertical polarity)
Set LNB No 4 to 18V Skew On (for High Band Horizontal polarity)
NOTE: This receiver does not provide Mechanical Polarizer Output Connectors. Therfore for tuning
Wideband LNB you need to provide external means of adjusting skew on the LNB.
12V: To select 12 volts output for relay type LNB switch.
STORE: After above settings move to store and press OK key
DiSEqC 1.2 menu (Manual positioner)
With DiSEqC 1.2 antenna positioner, you can search and download individual satellites with manual positioning.
First find one of the listed satellites manually by obtaining maximum signal and quality. Then select Re-sync
and press OK key. All other listed satellites can now be found automatically during channel search.
STORE: After above settings move to store and press OK key
DiSEqC USALS menu (Automatic positioner)
You can search and download up to 40 satellites at a time automatically using the DiSEqC USALS menu.
0 Position: To move to 0 position on motor
STORE: After above settings move to store and press OK key
CHANNEL SEARCH -- Automatic Scan and Search
Using DiSEqC USALS menu you can search and download up to 40 satellites
automatically at a time. Follow settings below.
Multisat Search: Set index numbers for each satellite you wish to search.
LNB No: If you are using more than one LNB, select LNB No as configured
previously. If you are using one LNB then this may remain as 1.
Satellite: Press OK and select satellite name. Remember that you have to
select a different name for each index number.
Astra 1(19.2E), select LNB No 1 and set DiSEqC to Mini-A
Hotbird 1-6(13E), select LNB No 2 and set DiSEqC to Mini-B
In Channel Search menu go to Positioner and select DiSEqC 1.2 and press OK
key. A sub menu will appear.
Move: Move antenna furthest possible East or West and enter the limits below.
East Limit: After furthest East enter the limit here
West Limit: After furthest West enter the limit here
Erase Limits: To clear limits press OK
0 Position: To move to 0 position on motor.
In channel search menu go to Positioner and select DiSEqC USALS and press
OK key. A sub menu will appear.
Longitude: Enter your location using 0-9 keys and then PAGE up / down keys
to enter E (East) or W (West).
Latitude: Enter your location using 0-9 keys and then PAGE up / down keys to
enter N (North) or S (South). EXAMPLE: London –
Longitude = 0 and Latitude
= 51.5N
Press OK to move antenna automatically to required satellite.