Quality mode Image size Approximate print size File size
5328×4000 pixels Approx.
Approx. 35MB
21,300,000 pixels
L FINE Approx. 10MB
5328×4000 pixels Approx. 386.7 × 290.3mm NORMAL Approx. 5MB
21,300,000 pixels BASIC Approx. 2.5MB
M FINE Approx. 6MB
JPEG 4096×3072 pixels Approx. 297.3 × 222.9mm NORMAL Approx. 3MB
12,600,000 pixels BASIC Approx. 1.5MB
S FINE Approx. 3MB
3008×2256 pixels Approx. 218.3 × 163.7mm NORMAL Approx. 1.5MB
6,800,000 pixels BASIC Approx. 0.8MB
* The image file size varies depending on the subject and shooting environment.
* The print size is the approximate size when printing in 350dpi resolution.
Setting the Quality and Size
1. Press the QUALITY button.
The image quality indicator appears on
the digital LCD monitor.
* JPEG Icon
The display will return to the normal screen when any button other than the
[QUALITY], [OK] or [Cancel] buttons is pressed.
File size (Compressed mode)
Image size (L, M, S)