Adjust Speaker Volume
Adjust Speaker Volume
The speaker, also called the beeper, is located below the left scan button.
Speaker volume can be adjusted to a comfortable level for the listener by using the keypad or by changing parameters in the
Volume & Sounds control panel.
Using the Keypad
Note: Volume & Sounds (in Settings | Control Panel) must be enabled before the following key sequences can adjust the
The volume is increased or decreased one step each time the volume key sequence is pressed.
To adjust speaker volume, locate the <F8> key at the top of the keypad.
Adjust the speaker volume by pressing the:
l 2nd key then the <F8> key to enter Volume change mode.
l Use the Up Arrow and Down Arrow keys to adjust volume until the speaker volume is satisfactory. Press the Enter key
to exit this mode.
The LED for the 2nd key blinks until the special editing mode (set audio speaker volume) is complete.
Volume control using a keypad key press has six volume settings that match those supported by the Volume and Sounds
Control panel. Volume does not “roll-over” from minimum to maximum or from maximum to minimum. Continuously holding
down the up or down arrow keys does not cause an automatic repeat of the up (or down) arrow key.
Using the Control Panel
Start | Settings | Control Panel | Volume & Sounds | Volume
Change the volume setting and tap OK to save the change.
You can also select / deselect sounds for key clicks and screen taps and whether each is loud or soft.
As the volume scrollbar is moved between Loud and Soft, the VX3X emits a tone each time the volume increases or decreases
in decibel range.
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