20 Resetting the MX2
MX2 Reference Guide E-EQ-MX2RG-L-ARC
Safe Boot
During the DOS boot sequence, control is passed sequentially to the CONFIG.SYS files on drives
A, B, and C. A similar process is followed for the AUTOEXEC.BAT files on each drive.
It is possible for a driver or application loading from the CONFIG.SYS or AUTOEXEC.BAT file
on drive C to hang the system. A cold or warm boot of the unit will not directly correct the
problem, because the troublesome program will be started again as part of the boot sequence.
What is required is a method by which the CONFIG.SYS or AUTOEXEC.BAT file on drive C
and the loading of the CFGDEV.SYS and DECODE.SYS drivers can be taken out of the normal
boot sequence. DOS can help some, with the CTL-C and the F8 escape sequences.
The MX2 provides an alternative method that is less accessible to the end user. To bypass the
CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files on drive C, reboot the unit (with either a cold or warm
boot), and when the message “Wait…” appears on the display, immediately press the [ESC] and
[Space] keys at the same time. This causes alternative CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT
processing to take place on drives A and B without chaining into the files on drive C.
The unit indicates safe-boot mode by emitting a low tone followed by a higher-pitched tone. The
flash drive (C) and the RAM drive (D) will be preserved, and the boot sequence will place the unit
at the C:\> prompt.
Note: If you do not hear the two tones indicating the safe-boot sequence, you probably did not
press the ESC and Space keys quickly enough. Reboot the MX2 and press the two keys
simultaneously as soon as you see the “Wait…” message on the display.
Hardware Reset
In the extremely rare situation where none of the rebooting methods is successful, you can use a
reset mechanism that is located below the keypad matrix directly below the Lamp key.
By inserting a paper clip or other narrow device and pressing gently, the unit will perform a
hardware activated cold boot. Only use the same amount of pressure used to press a normal key.
Do not use a sharp instrument. If the keypad rubber matrix is punctured, the industrial
specifications of the MX2 could be compromised.
Note: Attempt at least two cold boots before going into Hardware reset.
Figure 2-3 Location of the Hardware Reset Mechanism
Upon reset, you will need to set the date and time in the MX2. These DOS programs may run
automatically after a Hardware Reset.