ITEM #07 (DLAY = DELAY TIME): [5, default] Thermostat waits 5 minutes before
turning the system back on after it was last run. This internal delay prevents
rapid cycling and provides equipment protection. The 5 minute setting is fine for
most applications. [2] Same operation as above but reduced to 2 minutes
between state changes.
ITEM #08 (TEMPERATURE SWING): A thermostat works by turning your heating
or cooling system on and off whenever the room temperature varies from the
desired set-point temperature. The amount of this variation is called the swing.
Use the UP/DOWN buttons to change the number value between 1 and 9.
Generally your system should cycle on about 3 to 6 times per hour. A smaller
swing number makes the system cycle more frequently, so the room temperature
is more precise and constant. A larger swing number will make the system
remain on for a longer duration each time and decreases the number of cycles
per hour.
ITEM #09 (STAGE-2 OFFSET): [2, default] This setting is adjusted as a number
from 0 to 9. When set to 0 (ZERO), the second heating stage is completely
disabled while in regular Heat mode (however Emergency Heat mode will still
function for heat pump configurations). An Offset value from 1 to 9 degrees will
determine the number of degrees from the set point that will be required for the
second heating stage to turn on. This setting can be used to conserve energy in
situations where the second heating stage is more costly to operate when
compared to the first stage.