Cigarette Lighter Power Adapter
To use external DC power: Plug the power cable's cigarette lighter
adapter into a cigarette lighter receptacle. Next, pull aside the rubber
cover on the bottom of the unit and insert the other connector as shown
in the following image. A small clip on the connector should hold the
connector in place.
Attach external power cable to iFINDER.
Do not remove the cigarette lighter adapter and splice
the exposed wires directly to a 12-volt power system. The
cigarette lighter adapter contains in the plug a protec-
tive fuse and a voltage regulator to convert 12 volts
down to about 3 volts. Without this regulator, connecting
your unit to a 12-volt power source will destroy the unit.
This damage will not be covered by your warranty.
The iFINDER can use two other optional external cables to supply a
NMEA/serial data connection or a combination of power and data. These
cables are discussed in the following segment on NMEA connections.
Headphone Adapter
The iFINDER Map & Music comes with a cable adapter that allows you
to plug in your headphones. To use this adapter: Plug your headphones
into the standard audio socket on the adapter. Next, pull aside the rub-
ber cover on the bottom of the unit and insert the other connector as
shown in the following image. A small clip on the connector should hold
the connector in place.