Any time you perform a search while the map cursor is up, the dis-
tances listed for search results will be calculated from the cursor
position, not your current position. That means you can scroll
ahead to a destination a hundred miles away, and find the nearest
hotel there, or you could clear the cursor and do a search for the ho-
tel nearest your current location, then finish the trip tomorrow.
FIND ADDRESS lets you enter a street address and navigate directly to it.
ADDRESS BOOK lets you search through a list of contacts that you've cre-
ated, and navigate back to them.
RECENT FINDS is a helpful function that keeps track of the most recent
places you have navigated to, so you can go right back.
Finally, as we mentioned in Sec. 2, the Location Information screen's
GO TO command allows you to generate a route to any point on the map,
simply by placing the map cursor at your desired destination.
We'll discuss all of these search options in the following pages, but first
we need to describe one of the iWAY's basic tools, which will be used a
lot in searching: the virtual keyboard.
Using the iWAY's Virtual Keyboard
Many of the search options available through the Find menu will re-
quire you to enter data such as shop names or address numbers. To do
this, you will use the touch screen to select letters, numbers and sym-
bols on iWAY's virtual keyboard.
Whenever you are asked to enter keyboard information, the keyboard
will appear. It generally looks like one of the following images. Note the
button in the bottom right corner that says
NUM/SYM. You can use this
button to toggle between the Letters key set and the Numbers and
Symbols key set.
The iWAY virtual keyboard is shown left using the Letters key set, and
shown right using the Numbers and Symbols key set.