[ Execution Flow Control ]
Subroutine call of type setting job: callBase
When a point job, etc. is set at a user definition type point created in the customizing mode, the point
job, etc. added to the type is not executed.
Also, when an additional function is set at user definition type, and a function of the same type but
different number is set at the point, the function data number of the function set at the point has
Title : Pick-up point
Base type : PTP drive point
Job before moving : Yes
Job while moving : Yes
Point job : Yes
dditional function : PTP condition 1
Assume there is the user definition type showed
to the right.
At this time, the point job data which is
executed at operation at P1 and P2 in the below
figure becomes:
P1) Job before moving : Point job data 5
Job while moving : Point job data 6
Point job : Point job data 7
Additional function : PTP condition 9
Execute condition 1
P2) Job before moving : “Job before moving” added to user definition type
Job while moving : “Job while moving” added to user definition type
Point job : “Point job” added to user definition type
Additional function : PTP condition 1
Execute condition 1
Point 02
Type: Pick-up point
Job before moving No. : 0 (none)
Job while moving No. : 0 (none)
Point job No. : 0 (none)
dditional function : None
Point 01
Type: Pick-up point
Job before moving No.: 5
Job while moving No.: 6
Point job No.: 7
dditional function: PTP condition 9
Features II CARTESIAN Benchtop Robot