PERIMETER: Sensor will instantly trigger the burglary siren and report the burglary code to
the Central Station in Home or Away Mode. Sensor will sound chime in Chime Mode.
ENTRY/EXIT: Sensor uses the exit/entry delay and can trigger the burglary siren and report
the burglary code to the Central Station in Home or Away mode. Sensor will sound chime in
Chime Mode.
INTERIOR: Sensor is only active in the Away Mode. It will instantly trigger the burglary siren
and report the burglary code to the Central Station if triggered before an entry/exit sensor.
Causes a delayed alarm if activated during the entry delay.
CHIME: Sensor will sound chime in all modes.
ARM/DISARM + HOME AUTO: The left button on a 2-button sensor will arm/disarm the
Console. The right button on a 2-button sensor activates the home-automation output. Pressing
both buttons triggers the emergency siren.
ARM & DISARM: The left button on a 2-button sensor will arm the Console. The right button
on a 2-button sensor will disarm the Console. Pressing both buttons triggers the emergency
ENVIRONMENTAL: Sensor is always armed in all modes. Causes a local annunciation when
KEYPAD: Reserved for wireless keypads used with the Console.
INTERIOR HOME: Sensor allows interior zones to trigger an alarm. This will generally be used
with PIRs that are not in normal nighttime mode.
✦ View or edit the SENSOR OPTIONS. These options are automatically set when
the sensor is programmed into the Console. The sensor options are:
AUTO RESTORE: This box should be checked for auto restoring sensors that only send alarm
transmissions. The Console will automatically restore the “open” sensor.
SUPERVISED: This box should be checked for all sensors that send periodic status reports.
DXT sensors do not send periodic status reports. REMOVE THE CHECK FROM THIS BOX IF
you don’t want supervision for that sensor. This will keep the Console TROUBLE indicator from
lighting due to missing status reports from that sensor.
☞ NOTE: The sensor can still report a low battery condition this will cause the
Console’s BATTERIES indicator to fl ash.
HARDWIRED OPTIONS: For Model DVS-2408 only. Selects which hardwired loop (1-8) is
assigned to the sensor number selected. For non-hardwired sensors, this selection should be
set to WIRELESS.
✦ View the SENSOR STATUS to see the condition of the sensor selected.
The sensor status conditions are:
BYPASSED: The Console was armed with this sensor open. It is currently bypassed and
cannot cause an alarm.
LOW BATTERY: The sensor has sent a low battery signal to the Console. Replace the sensor’s
TROUBLE: The Console has not received a status report from this sensor in 8 hours. Sensor
may have been out of range of the Console’s receiver, or the sensor may be non-functional.
☞ NOTE: After any changes are made to the sensor type or sensor options,
test the sensor to verify proper operation. Testing the “repaired” transmitter
will reset the TROUBLE indicator.
217473 C - IMAGE 27