Description of Features: Chapter 3
AxSys 212 User Manual 29
If the EQ ON/OFF parameter is turned off, the Graphic EQ will not have any effect
on the Sound (see page 35). If you adjust any of the Graphic EQ parameters, the
display will flash OFF twice to indicate it is turned off.
Mono Tremolo
fluctuates loudness, and Stereo Tremolo alternates
loudness in opposite channels. On slow speeds with a soft shape, stereo
tremolo provides continuous panning. At low to moderate depths and
moderate speeds, itÕs like the sound of classic electric piano tremolo.
Parameter Range Description
Tremolo Type Off, 1 to 3 Selects the type of Tremolo effect (see below).
Tremolo Speed 00 to 99 Controls the rate at which the sound changes amplitude.
Tremolo Depth 00 to 99 Controls how strong the tremolo will be.
Tremolo Shape 00 to 99 Selects either soft (gradual) or hard (drastic) transitions.
The TREMOLO TYPE lets you choose from the following Tremolo types:
Display Tremolo Type Description
OFF No Tremolo Tremolo is disabled.
1 Mono Tremolo Provides the classic Tremolo useful in recreating the
sound of older guitar amps.
2 Stereo Tremolo
at 90°
This two channel Tremolo has the left and right channels
close together; i.e. when one is on, the other is 1/2 on, and
when one is off, the other is 1/2 off.
3 Stereo Tremolo
at 180°
This two channel Tremolo has the left and right channels
perfectly out of phase; i.e. when one is on the other is off.
Left Right
100% 100%
Mono Tremolo
Left Right
100% 50%
Stereo Tremolo 90¡
Left Right
100% 0%
Stereo Tremolo 180¡
If the TREM/CHORUS ON/OFF parameter is turned off, the Tremolo effect will not
be heard (see page 35). If you adjust any of the Tremolo parameters, the display
will flash OFF twice to indicate it is turned off.
The Tremolo parameters are disabled when the Rotary type of Chorus is selected.
If you attempt to modify the Tremolo parameters, the display will temporarily
Some guitar amps mistakenly call this ÒvibratoÓ, but this is incorrect. Vibrato is actually
the fluctuation of pitch, whereas tremolo is a fluctuation of volume.