Quick Setup Wizard
Page 15
After the Personal Server has been automatically installed by
the Quick Setup Wizard, there will be two shortcuts on your
Setup My Personal Server allows you to
setup the Personal Server using a web
To setup the Personal Server, please see
the section called Management Guide.
Access my Personal Server is a link to
access the shared folder on the Personal
Server’s hard drive.
Note: If there is no hard disk installed or
it is not formatted, then you will not be
able to access the personal server by
clicking this shortcut. But, you will still be able to use the
Setup My Personal Server shortcut to manage the device.
To access the hard drive
Double-click the Access my Personal Server icon to access
the hard disk. An authentication window will pop up. Please fill
in the user name and password to access the folders.
The Personal Server provides three default accounts, for
users to access folders, with different authority levels.
All = Read/Write (The account is allowed to read/write all
the folders on the Personal Server)
Power = Read/Write (The account is allowed to
Read/Write the ‘share’ folder only)
Guest = Read Only (The account is allowed to read the
‘share’ folder only)
1. By default, the ‘Share’ folder is created automatically and can
be accessed by any user.
2. Users that would like to use another user name / password
after having already accessed any folder need to log off and
on again.
3. Windows 95/98/98SE users, please note that you should add
a new user with the user name of your operating system. To
configure each account including adding new users,
changing user names & passwords, please refer to the
‘Share’ chapter.