LINDY CPU Switch Dual Junior Installation and Use Page 53
will clear all the computer and user names and set all parameters back to the factory
defaults. To avoid activating this function by accident the administrator must confirm
the reset instruction by pressing F8.
4.14 Querying the routing status
It is sometimes useful to know which KVM consoles are connected to which
computers and their connection modes (shared, exclusive or video only). For
example, if the LINDY CPU Switch denies you access to a particular computer you
may wish to know if another KVM console has exclusive use of this computer and
consequently is preventing your access. To query the routing status press F1 from
the main on-screen menu and then select ROUTING STATUS. A routing status
display similar to the one shown below will be displayed for 10 seconds. Press ESC
to quit or wait for the routing status screen to disappear.
4.15 Cascading LINDY CPU Switches
LINDY CPU Switch Dual Juniors can be cascaded in a tree structure to support
larger numbers of computers. Up to four cascade levels are supported and the
number of cascade links between LINDY CPU Switches can be chosen by the user.
The number of installed cascade links determines the number of users that may be
accessing ports on the cascaded units simultaneously. The full rules that must be
followed when configuring a cascade of CPU Switches are given in section 2.5.
Although it is theoretically possible to select computers on cascaded units by
pressing the hotkeys and then typing in the port address this would be highly
confusing for users and is not generally recommended. Consequently it is normally
advisable to use the on-screen menu to select computers on cascaded units.