2.9 QOS (Quality of Service)
The 24G web smart switch provides up to four internal transmit queues per port to support four
different traffic priorities. The high-priority traffic experiences less delay in the switch than that of
lower priority traffic under congested conditions. The 24G web smart switch provides three types of
QOS. It can assign the packet to one of four transmit queues according to 802.1P QOS. If the
incoming packet is untagged, the 24G web smart switch uses the priority field in the per-port
Default Priority in the Port Config page to assign the packet to one of four transmit queues. If the
incoming packet is tagged or priority tagged, the 24G web smart switch uses the priority field in the
incoming packet tag to assign the packet to one of four transmit queues.
The 24G web smart switch also provides a remap function. This switch always inserts the packet into
the Tx Queue by priority ID. Users can assign the map between priority and queues. This switch
handles the packets transmit by the Tx Queue Weight Setting when the Weighted Round-Robin
algorithm is selected.
Select the
QOS menu on the web page to activate the page shown as below.