The result is displayed on the meter as a
plasma glucose value. The system’s plasma
calibration makes it easier for you to com-
pare meter results with lab results. See
Comparing Meter and Laboratory Results
for more information.
You and your Healthcare Professional have
established target ranges for your blood glu-
cose levels and any actions you should take
in response to your test results. Follow your
Healthcare Professional’s recommendations
to receive the maximum benefit from testing.
If a test result falls outside of the target
range that you and your Healthcare Profes-
sional have established and you cannot link
it to diet, exercise, medication, or stress,
repeat the test. If the result is similar and
still outside of your range, review Testing
Tips for Accurate Results.
If you get an error message instead of a
number as a test result, compare the test
strip confirmation dot to the sample colour
dots on the Colour Chart on the test strip vial
label. If the comparison indicates your glu-
cose is very low or very high and you have
symptoms, follow the advice of your
Healthcare Professional. If you do not have
symptoms, follow the “What to Do” recom-
mendations in Troubleshooting to resolve
the problem. Repeat the test with a new test
strip using the procedures outlined in
Troubleshooting. If you continue to get an
error or other message, call the OneTouch
Customer Care Line 1 800 663–5521.
Understanding Your Results
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