Meter display What it means Action
Error message that indicates
one of the following conditions
may be present:
1. You may have high glucose
and have tested in an
environment near the low
end of the operating
temperature range
2. There may be a problem with
the test strip. For example,
it may have been damaged
or moved during testing
3. The sample was improperly
1. If you tested in a cool
environment, repeat the test
in a warmer environment with
a new test strip. If the error
message appears again, call the
InDuo™ Customer Care Line
at 1 888 729-2299
2. If you were testing in a normal
or warm environment, repeat the
test with a new test strip. Refer
to pages 32 to 38 for proper
sample application procedure. If
the error message appears again,
call the InDuo™ Customer Care
Line at 1 888 729-2299
3. If you applied the blood
incorrectly, review pages 32
to 38 for proper sample
application procedure. Repeat
the test with a new strip. If the
error message appears again,
call the InDuo™ Customer
Care Line at 1 888 729-2299
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