7-inch and 15-inch LCD Consoles
Alpha Codes and Serial Number Ranges S/N
Starting Serial Numbers Alpha
SKU Numbers
Sigmatron PCI
DTX 07DT-DOMXX-01 100000 300000
ITX 07DT-INTXX-01 100000 300000
ANX 07DN-ALLXX-01 100000 300000
DTN 15DT-DOMXN-01 100000 300000
ITN 15DT-INTXN-01 100000 300000
ITP 15DT-INTXP-01 100000 300000
ANN 15DN-ALLXN-01 100000 300000
ANP 15DN-ALLXP-01 100000 300000
*Alpha code descriptions:
Position 1: D = domestic, I = international, A = all
Position 2: T = treadmill, N = non-treadmill
Position 3: X = 7-inch screen, N = 15-inch NTSC screen, P = 15-inch PAL screen