This intense, varied workout is designed to help more experienced users to break through fitness improvement
plateaus. The workout alternates between two target heart rate goals as quickly as possible. The effect is similar to
that of running sprints. When setting up the workout, the user enters a target heart rate. After a warm-up, the
intensity gradually increases until the user reaches the 100 percent target heart rate goal. Then, that target rate is
maintained for a stabilizing period. Afterward, the intensity decreases. When the heart rate falls to the 75 percent
goal, it is maintained there for a stabilizing period. The program repeats the alternating of intensity levels,
continuing this pattern for the duration. Throughout the workout, the user must grasp the Lifepulse sensors
(C9i only) or wear a Polar chest strap to enable the program to monitor the heart rate.
This workout targets a rate of effort equal to a certain number of Watts. A Watt is a unit of power that measures the
amount of mechanical work required to operate a device, such as a Lifecycle Exercise Bike. It is roughly equal to
.25 calories per hour. The workout program automatically alters the intensity level to maintain the appropriate rate
of effort. This workout must be enabled in Optional Settings. For details, see Section 5, titled Internal Settings.
This workout targets a rate of effort equal to a certain number of METs. A MET is a unit of measurement used to
express the metabolic rate of work (oxygen consumption per unit of body weight) required to perform a task. One
MET is approximately equal to a person’s metabolism when seated and relaxed. This workout must be enabled in
Optional Settings. For details, see Section 5, titled Internal Settings.
* Target Heart Rate (THR) is a percentage of the theoretical maximum. For example, a 40-year-old user’s recommended THR for the
EXTREME HEART RATE workout is 144. The EXTREME HEART RATE workout targets 80 percent of the maximum, so the equation
would be (220-40)*.80=144.