
Opens the FM Radio Setup screen allowing FM channel setup. This feature may be enabled or disabled.
To Set Up Channels: Select Channel Setup; Auto, Start.
To Delete an Unwanted Channel: Choose Channel Setup; Manual, use the Channel Controls to choose the channel
to be deleted, select delete, return the Channel Setup to Auto.
To Restore a Channel: Choose Channel Setup; Manual, use the Channel Controls to choose the channel to be
restored, select Add, return the Channel Setup to Auto.
4) T
Follow the instructions on the screen to recalibrate the Touch Screen. If calibration was successful, a prompt will appear
along with a 30 second countdown. Touch the screen anywhere to save the calibration data. If calibration was unsuc-
cessful, a “+” will appear in the center of the screen and the calibration will have to be redone. Contact Life Fitness if
repeated attempts at calibration were unsuccessful (see page 1 for contact information).
Brings up the Export / Import Settings screen which is used to import or export manager and manufacturer configurable
settings. This can be advantageous when many or all optional features are enabled and configured.
To Import or Export Settings: Insert a USB stick into the USB port. Enter the Import/Export Settings through the
Configuration Menu. Select “Import Settings to USB” or “Export Settings To USB”. Upon notification, remove the
USB stick from the USB port.
NOTE: Exported setting information is product specific. Lifecycle Exercise Bike settings can only be imported into other,
same model bikes. Lifecycle Exercise Bike settings cannot be used to update settings of any other product.
NOTE: This method is not recommended for the setup of basic TV or FM channels. See TV Setup or FM Radio Setup to
set basic channel configuration.
* Additional equipment required for FM Radio.