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1. Insert two (2) 2 IN. SQ. COVER CAPS onto both ends of the RIgAR BASE TI~E as shown on drawing.
SECURELY assemble the REAR BASE TUBE to the BASE as shown on drawing, using two (2) 3/8
3 IN. BOLTS, four (4) 3/8 IN. WASt-[ERS, and two (2) 3/8 x 3 IN. LOCK NUTS.
Insert two (2) 2 LN. SQ. COVER CAPS onto both ends of the FRONT BASE TUBE, and one Ill) 2
SQ. END CAP imo the BASE, a.~ shown on drawing.
SECURELY assemble the FRONT BASE TUBE to the BASE as shown on drawing, using two (2) 3/8
X 3 IN. BOLTS, four (4) 3/8 IN. WASHERS, and two (2) 3/8 x 3 IN. LOCI(
Attach eight (8) PAKAGLIDE GRIPS to both ends of the CARRIAGE as shown in (DETAIL ~B) using
the follo~fng steps:
Thoroughly clean all surfaces where the PARAGLIDE STRIPS are to be attached.
Remove the PAP,_AGL]]3E STP~S from the paper backing and fu-mly apply them to all shown
6. Insert one (1) 1-3/4 IN. SQ. END CAP into the CARRIAGE UPRIGHT as shown on drawing.
Slide the C.M~RL~GE onto the C.MhRIAGE UPRIGHT and SECURELY attach the CARRIAGE
UPRIGHT to the BASE, using two (2) 3/8 x 3 IN. BOLTS, one, (1) 3/8 x 2-3/4 IN. BOLT, six (6)
IN. WASHERS. and three (3) 3/8 IN. LOCK NUTS.
PART #6656601 4 REVISION 10/21/96