Series 300 Load Bus Synchronization 3
D. Operates the flashing warning light on the front panel of the slave UPS indicating that the
Main Rotary Switch should not be operated while sync is being acquired with the master
The Series 300 LBS option performs the following functions:
A. Continuously senses the phase relationship between the outputs of the two UPS modules
that make up the system.
B. If the two systems lose sync with each other for more than a predetermined period of time
(adjustable from 0.1 to 5 seconds) and the AUTO/OFF switch is set to the AUTO position
then the LBS will sync the Designated Slave System (DSS) to the Designated Master
System (DMS). The DMS and DSS are selected manually using the master system select
switch. If the DSS is on bypass and unable to sync to the DMS then the DMS will sync to
the output bus of the DSS. This reselection of the master system will be accomplished
C. Continuously monitors the sync and the quality of the bypass input voltage to both
systems. Once the sync and voltage quality between to two systems have been restored
for 5 seconds, the LBS will become dormant and allow each system to operate
Note: Failure of any part of the LBS will not cause system failure. The worst case effect would be that
the two systems would not be able to synchronize to each other.