
Conveniently installed right in the room where guests will stay, the LG Remote
Jack Pack, (RJP) multi-media interface is available to end-users to connect audio,
video and computer devices to hear and view on the in-room TV display panel.
The RJP can be set up to interface with the TV display panel to show the image
and/or sound from a portable DVD/CD Player, Camcorder, MP-3 Player, Notebook
computer, or portable Video Game Player. Or, devices with digital video output
such as DVD players. A USB connection is available for future applications. If the
end-user does not connect any devices, then the in-room TV display panel will
remain on the source selected. When the end-user connects a device, the inter-
face switches the TV display panel to the new source. Users can recharge laptop
or cell phone batteries while watching TV.
The RJP interface is designed to be able to process audio from one source, and
video separately from a different source, if required. (The end-user can work on a
laptop computer while listening to music from an MP-3 player.) However, only
one audio and one video source can be heard/seen at the same time.
The end-user can simply plug the device’s power cord into one of the four con-
venience AC power outlets provided on the RJP. Then plug in its Audio/Video
cable(s) to the RJP input jack(s) and turn the device on. The RJP completes the
connection between the newly-connected audio and/or video source and the TV
display panel. No end-user menus are involved, all connections are made directly
to the interface.
The RJP continually monitors its source inputs. When a signal is detected, (a
device is plugged into one of the RJP inputs) the interface sends a message to
the TV display panel to switch to the newly-connected source (if the new source
is of higher priority). The interface allows only the higher priority audio and
video to be heard and seen on the TV display panel. The control cable supplies
12 Volt DC power from the TV display panel to operate the interface.
Since the end-user jack panel is exposed, use extreme caution when
cleaning. Do not use liquid cleaners on the connection panel. Do
not allow liquids to be spilled, sprayed onto or otherwise come into
contact with the connection panel on either the end-user side or
the installer side. Clean with a slightly damp cloth.
The maximum combined total current that is allowable to the four
AC power outlets is 7 Amps. These are protected by a circuit breaker
type re-settable fuse.