6. Mobile Email
Allows you to send and receive
email easily from your phone. Email
contains several applications
downloadable from the Messaging
Menu. Don't miss an important
email. Thanks to mobile Email, you
can get your emails on your phone,
while you're on the go. Mobile Email
works with many providers,
including Yahoo!, AOL, Verizon.net
and more. You can receive alerts
from your Touch
when new email has arrived.
1. Unlock the touch screen by
dragging up and
touch the
Menu Quick Key
2. Touch
3. Touch
Mobile Email
Please note that you may need to
download and set up the Email
programs before using them for the
first time.
7. Social Networks
Social Networks allows you to easily
update your social networking
accounts, providing access to
Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and
more*. Check with your Service
Provider for details.
1. Unlock the touch screen by
dragging up and
touch the
Menu Quick Key
2. Touch
3. Touch
Social Networks
4. Select the social network
provider option to complete your
For more information, access 'Help' for
each Social Networks Message option.
(Messaging -> Social Networks -> ).
*Social Networks Options
Status Updates: Sends a text message to
Facebook that updates your status, from
your phone. Please note that you first
need to visit facebook.com/mobile
, and
follow the activation instructions.
Picture Upload: Uploads a picture to
Facebook from your phone. You need to
first activate at facebook.com/mobile
register your phone.
Slide up to unlock
Slide up to unlock