
Announcing Lexmark X854e MFP 4
Disabling ports and protocols
TCP and UDP ports can be configured to one of three
modes or values:
Disabled - Never allows network connections to this
Secure and unsecure - Allows the port to remain
open, even in Secure mode
Unsecured only - Allows the port to only open when
the MFP ss not in Secure mode
Using 802.1x Authentication
802.1x port authentication allows the MFP to join
networks that require authentication before
allowing access.
802.1x port authentication can be used with the
WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) feature of an
optional internal wireless print server to provide
WPA-Enterprise security support.
Support for 802.1x requires the establishment of
credentials for the MFP.
The MFP must be known to the Authentication
Server (AS). The AS will allow network access to
devices presenting a valid set of credentials which
typically involves a name/password combination
and possibly a certificate. The AS will allow
network access to MFPs presenting a valid set of
The credentials can be managed by using the
Embedded Web Server of the MFP.
Locking the Operator Panel Menus
Operator Panel Menu Lockout allows creation of a
PIN number and choice of specific menus to lock.
Each time a locked menu is selected, the user is
prompted to enter the correct PIN at the operator
panel. The PIN does not affect any access through
the EWS.
Printing Lockout
Printing Lockout allows locking or unlocking of an
MFP using an assigned PIN. When locked, every
job the MFP receives will buffer to the hard disk.
A user can print jobs only by entering the correct
PIN on the operator panel.
A PIN can be assigned through the Web page of
the MFP.
Note: Back channel data will be processed while the MFP is
locked. Reports such as user or event logs can be
retrieved from a locked MFP.
Confidential Print Setup
Confidential Print Setup allows the designation of a
maximum number of PIN entry attempts and allows
setting an expiration time for print jobs.
When a user exceeds a specific number of PIN
entry attempts, all of the user’s print jobs are
deleted. When a user has not printed their jobs
within a designated time period, the print jobs are
Encrypting the Hard Disk
Disk encryption provides protection of sensitive
data stored on internal hard disk drives in the
advent of unauthorized access to the hardware.
When enabled, disk encryption uses 128 bit AES
encryption to encrypt all data stored on the drive.
This feature is disabled by default and enabled
through the Power On Configuration menu.
When enabled or disabled, the entire drive is
formatted, destroying any references to data that
may have been stored previously.
Hard Disk Wiping
Hard disk wiping performs a multi-pass overwrite of
all sectors on the hard disk, mitigating the potential
exposure risks sensitive information.
This feature is performed as needed and is
accessed through the Power On Configuration
Using the Restricted Server List Function
The Restricted Server list lets a system support
person restrict which hosts are allowed to
communicate with the MFP over the network to
prevent other hosts from managing and printing to
the MFP.
Note: The Restricted Server List only restricts TCP traffic; it
does not affect UDP traffic. The Restricted Server List
supports up to ten host addresses or ten network
Digitally Signed Firmware Update Files
Upgraded firmware files from Lexmark are now
signed with a digital signature, which verifies the
source and authenticity of the updated code.
This prevents a malicious user from creating and
uploading to the MFP custom code that could
intercept and expose potential confidential data.
Workflow Integration with Document Distributor and
the Lexmark X854e MFP
Interactive e-routing from touch screen to
intelligently move workflow documents over the
LEX05-250 Lexmark Confidential Until Announce