3. Using WRKAFP2, specify the printer’s TCP/IP configuration information. This
data area, which must be saved in library QGPL, will override the APPC device
description just created with the CRTDEVPRT command.
At the command line, type: WRKAFP2 and press <F4>.
Printer device name DEVD OPTRA
(Same user defined name as before)
TCP/IP support TCP/IP *YES
Press <ENTER>
Remote System RMTSYS
(IP address or remote system host name)
Port PORT 9100
(9100 or 9600 for MarkNet S)
(9100 for Parallel 1 on MarkNet Pro or MarkNet XLe)
(9102 for Parallel 2 on MarkNet Pro or MarkNet XLe)
Refer to 4.3.14 IPDS Timeout on page 40 for further information on the
selection of ports.
Press <ENTER>
Inactivity timer INACTTMR *SEC15
Press <ENTER> to create the data area.
All values must be re-entered if any changes are made to any of the values in
WRKAFP2; otherwise all values are reset to the default value.