
receiving a fax
enabling secure faxes 92
printing secure faxes 92
setting the fax receive mode 91
recycled paper
using 50
recycling 200
WEEE statement 197
reducing a copy 64
adjusting the color registration
automatically 168
adjusting the color registration
manually 168
Remove Tape, <color>
Cartridge 156
Replace <color> Print
Cartridge 156
Replace Black 156
Replace Cyan 156
Replace Fuser Soon 156
Replace Magenta 156
Replace Transfer Unit 156
Replace Transfer Unit Soon 157
Replace Yellow 156
printing fax reports 93
reports, fax activity
adjusting settings 92
Restart Printer, 118-xxx 157
Restart Printer: 116-xxx 157
RJ11 adapter, using 19
safety information 11
scan compression
adjusting 82
scan contrast
adjusting 82
Scan Defaults menu 125
scan destination
changing 83
Scan Error 157
scan e-mail size
changing 83
scan job
canceling 73
scan resolution
adjusting 82
scan TIFF format
changing 83
Scan to Email menu 146
scan troubleshooting
cannot scan from a
computer 179
partial document or photo
scans 179
scan was not successful 177
scanner does not respond 177
scanner unit does not close 175
scanning takes too long or freezes
the computer 178
locking 163
scanner glass
cleaning 161
Scanner Lamp Error 157
adjusting auto exposure 81
adjusting resolution 82
adjusting the color saturation of
the scanned image 82
adjusting the image compression
of the scanned image 82
canceling a scan 73
changing the maximum e-mail
size of the scanned image 83
changing the scan destination 83
changing the TIFF format for a
scanned image 83
creating a computer address using
Address Book Editor 74
creating a computer address using
the Embedded Web Server 75
creating an e-mail address using
Address Book Editor 79
creating an FTP address 78
creating an FTP address using
Address Book Editor 77
customizing settings using the
computer 71
customizing the scan settings
when scanning to a
computer 85
customizing the scan settings
when scanning to e-mail 85
directly from an application 71
editing text 71
from magazines and
newspapers 73
limiting access to fax and scan
operations 94
making a scanned image lighter or
darker 84
scanning to a computer over a
network 77
scanning to an e-mail address 81
scanning to an FTP address 78
selecting the size of the document
being scanned 83
selecting the type of document
being scanned 84
setting the color mode 84
setting the scanned image file
type 85
setting up, Macintosh 75
sharing a folder in Windows 73
using the computer 70
using the printer control
panel 77
scanning over a network
setting up, using Macintosh 75
scanning to a computer
customizing the scan settings
when 85
scanning to e-mail
setting up the SMTP server 79
scanning to e-mail
creating an e-mail address using
the Embedded Web Server 80
creating an e-mail group using the
Embedded Web Server 80
customizing the scan settings
when 85
Secure Print 59
printing Secure Print jobs from the
printer control panel 59
Secure Settings menu 145
Select Function 159
Auto reset 171
paper type 46
sharing a folder in Windows 73
adjusting 65
sharpness of a scanned image
adjusting 82
SMTP Server Error 159
SMTP server, setting up 79
standard tray
loading 44
paper 53
supplies 160
storing 160