Create permanent fax destinations
7 Press Return after entering your Station Number. SAVED briefly appears. After the last menu
item has been entered, Setup Complete appears.
Create permanent fax destinations
Instead of entering the phone numbers of fax recipients each time you send a fax, you can create
permanent fax destinations that appear in the MFP control panel.
1 Type the IP address of the MFP in the URL field of your browser, and then press Enter. The
destinations you create are stored only on this MFP.
2 Click Configuration.
3 Click Manage Destinations.
4 Click Fax Destinations Setup.
5 Enter a unique name for the fax recipient and specify their fax number (for example,
John_Acct 555-1212). If you want to create a group fax destination, place a comma after
each fax recipient number entered. Make sure your destination name identifies it as group fax
or a fax distribution list.
6 If you want, you can assign a shortcut number (1—245). Assigning a shortcut lets you
press # on the numeric keypad, and then the shortcut number to activate your scan.
Note: If you try to assign a shortcut number already in use, you are prompted to select
another number.
7 Click Submit.
Change fax send and receive settings
When incoming faxes are sent to your printer, they are documented in a Receive Fax Log. For more
information about this log, see “Adjust analog fax log options” on page 27.
1 Type the IP address of the MFP in the URL field of your browser, and then press Enter. The
destinations you create are stored only on this MFP.
2 Click Configuration.
3 Under the MFP heading, click Fax Setup.
4 Select either fax server or analog (only available on the MarkNet N2501e). For more
information, see “Adjust analog send fax options” on page 26.
5 Click Submit if you are changing the mode. If not, click Configuration.
6 Make changes and click Submit.