
Section 7: Downloading Characters and Fonts
Downloading the Font Descriptor Byte
Send the following descriptor byte information to the printer:
For more information about the Font Descriptor Byte, see page 121.
Creating the Lookup Table Data
Before creating lookup table data, make note of the following memory
The valid download address range for the 249x is x800C to xFFFF.
The ASCII character 0 lookup table entry addresses for the resident fonts
Draft (10 and 12 cpi) and Fast Draft (10 cpi) - x8001
— 10 cpi Letter Quality and ELQ - x8912
— Proportional Letter Quality and ELQ - x9213
— 12 cpi Letter Quality and ELQ - x9B14
Download character data can start at any address greater than xA413
In this example, the Letter Quality capital AE character (ASCII character 146) is
replaced with the ELQ capital AE character. Entry zero of the draft table starts
at x8011 and there are nine bytes per entry:
9 x 146 = 1314 = x522 (the offset into the table)
x522 + x8912 = x8E34 (offset + character ASCII 146 lookup table address)
The address for the new lookup table entry for ASCII character 146 is
1B3D - download command prefix - font descriptor byte
0400 - byte count (low byte first) - x0004, 4
23 - font ID for 249x printers
189 - font descriptor byte address (low byte first) -
05 - font descriptor byte - ELQ