
Appendix A: MarkVision
This appendix provides a quick overview of the MarkVi-
sion printer utility and some of its features. An online doc-
ument detailing how to use some of the most popular
MarkVision features is included on the CD that came with
your printer. (This document is available in English only.)
Operating systems
MarkVision for Windows 95, Windows NT 4.0, Windows
3.1x, Macintosh, and OS/2 Warp was shipped with your
printer. You can purchase MarkVision for UNIX networks
and UNIX Intranet Servers and MarkVision for Sun Sys-
tems and Sun Intranet Servers from Lexmark. Contact a
representative at the place where you bought your printer
for more information.
MarkVision’s graphical user interface provides ongoing
status for Lexmark printers connected locally (via a bidi-
rectional parallel port) or attached directly to a network
(via an optional network adapter or print server). Work-
group administrators or key operators can create print
queues to monitor only selected printers.
Printer status is reported by visual and audible alerts that
you can customize for your work environment. In addi-
tion, messages on MarkVision’s remote operator panel
and the printer graphic reflect printer status. The printer
graphic also gives you a visual confirmation of the options
installed on the printer.