Configuration change, some held
jobs were not restored [57] 272
configuration information
wireless network 46
Configure MP menu 121
multiple printers 240
configuring e‑mail settings 84
configuring port settings 49
configuring supply notifications 240
connecting printer to distinctive
ring service 104
connecting the printer to an
outlet 10
connecting to a wireless network
using PIN (Personal Identification
Number) method 48
using Push Button Configuration
method 48
using the Embedded Web
Server 49
using wireless setup wizard 47
conservation settings
brightness, adjusting 200
conserving supplies 198
Eco‑Mode 199
Hibernate mode 199
Sleep Mode 200
conserving supplies 198
contacting customer support 334
e‑mail settings 87
content source
e‑mail settings 87
fax options 111
content type
e‑mail settings 87
fax options 111
control panel 15
factory defaults, restoring 241
control panel, printer
indicator light 15
Sleep button light 15
controller board
accessing 27
copy options 82
copy options
collate 82
copies 82
darkness 82
Save As Shortcut 82
sides (duplex) 82
copy quality
adjusting 79
copy screen
advanced options 83
content source 82
content type 82
options 81, 82
Copy Settings menu 157
copy troubleshooting
copier does not respond 320
partial document or photo
copies 320
poor copy quality 321
poor scanned image quality 329
scanner unit does not close 331
canceling a copy job 81
creating shortcuts using the
printer control panel 77
on both sides of the paper
(two‑sided) 79
copying different paper sizes 78
copying from
selected tray 78
copying multiple pages on one
sheet 80
copying on both sides of the paper
(two‑sided) 79
copying on letterhead 77
copying on transparencies 77
copying photos 76
copying to a different size 78
creating a fax destination shortcut
using the Embedded Web
Server 107
creating an e‑mail shortcut
using the control panel 85
creating an FTP shortcut
using the Embedded Web
Server 112
Custom Bin Names menu 125
custom job
copying 80
Custom Names menu 125
custom paper type
assigning 57
custom paper type name
creating 57
Custom Scan Sizes menu 125
Custom Types menu 125
customer support
contacting 334
copy options 82
e‑mail options 87
fax options 110
scan options 115
date and time, fax
setting 104
daylight saving time, faxing 105
Default Source menu 118
Defective flash detected [51] 272
delayed send
fax options 111
device and network settings
erasing 203
different paper sizes, copying 78
different size
copying to 78
Digital Subscriber Line (DSL)
fax setup 95
digital telephone service
fax setup 98
directory list
printing 75
Disk full [62] 273
Disk full, scan job canceled 273
Disk must be formatted for use in
this device 273
display troubleshooting
printer display is blank 289
display, control panel 15
display, printer control panel
adjusting brightness 200
disposing of printer hard disk 202
distinctive ring service, fax
connecting to 104
documents, printing
from Macintosh 70
from Windows 70
door C
paper jams, clearing 245, 247
door D
paper jams, clearing 249, 251
DSL filter 95
Eco‑Mode setting 199
Index 354