Appendix Lexicon
Appendix, continued
*Surround - Stylized Spaces for Post-Production Environments
Number Name Algorithm Description
Big walk-in. Use Rolloff, RtHicut, and MidRT to fill it up or empty it out.
Medium-sized closet. Use Rolloff, RtHicut, and MidRT to fill it up or empty it out.
Small closet. User Rolloff, RtHicut, and MidRT to fill it up or empty it out.
Large, fairly bright living room with hard floors and lots of tile. Use Rolloff, RtHicut,
and MidRT to add draperies and carpeting.
Like Big Living Room, only smaller
A small parlor, with heavy carpeting and draperies.
A wood-paneled room with a high ceiling and enough space for one regulation-
sized table.
A fairly large space with wood floors, low ceiling and about 10 tables.
Medium-sized (for a bathroom) and bright, with tiled walls.
Same as Bathroom, only larger.
Surround Bank 11: *Post 1
*Surround - Stylized Spaces for Post-Production Environments
Number Name Algorithm Description
B12 P1 Oil Tank Surround Hall Use Size to vary the resonance; Careful with reverb time!
Just down the hall from the ER
B12 P3 Yacht Club Surround Hall A large empty space with many audible reflections
B12 P5 Street Echo Slap
Famous police sound
Bright and airy, mix return level for perspective
Level of return really sets the feeling
B12 P8 Bat Cave
Hello is anybody there?
B12 P9 Warehouse
Lower reverb time to fill up the warehouse
A standard, unlined wooden model
Surround Bank 12: *Post 2