BD-30 Blu-ray Disc Player
Unsupported Configuration
Front Speakers – 12ft
Center Speaker – 12ft
Subwoofer – 12ft
Left Surround – 12ft
Right Surround – 12ft
Left Surround Back – 12ft
Right Surround Back – 12ft
3. Trim Level: The speaker trim level parameter sets the volume
of each individual channel. Channel trim is generally not
required since most A/V receivers and processors have the
capability to adjust channel trim and compensate for speaker
sensitivity differences. However, if your receiver or processor
does not have such functions (many receivers do not support
channel trim for their multi-channel analog inputs), you may
adjust channel trim through the player. For most accurate
results, it is recommended that you use test tones from a
calibration disc, such as Digital Video Essentials HD Basics, and a
SPL (Sound Pressure Level) meter. The trim level can be set to
+/- 10dB in 0.5dB increments.
Other Audio Processing Settings
In addition to Speaker Configuration, two other audio processing
settings are available:
1. Dolby Pro Logic II: Dolby Pro Logic II processing can expand
2-channel source audio into full 5-channel surround sound.
Note: Pro Logic II functionality is effective only when Speaker
Configuration > Down Mix Mode is set to “5.1Ch” or
“7.1Ch”. The available options are:
• Music – The surround experience is tailored for multi-
channel music playback.
• Movie – Emphasis is given to the center channel as two-
channel audio is decoded and played back into your 5.1
• Off – No Dolby Pro Logic II processing.
2. Dynamic Range Control: To set the Dynamic Range
Compression (DRC). DRC can smooth out the sonic peaks
and valleys common with wide-range digital audio. Enabling
DRC may make low-level audio more audible during low-level
listening. Turning off DRC restores the sonic energy present in
the original recording. The available options are:
• Auto – Play at the dynamic range specified by the disc.
This option applies to Blu-ray Discs only. For other disc
types no dynamic range compression is applied.
• On – Turn on dynamic range compression.
• Off – Turn off dynamic range compression.
Setup Menu Options