Subnet Configuration: Modify RIP Configuration
Authentication Type: No Authentication
Authentication Key :
Send Type : RIP1 Broadcast
Receive Type : RIP1
Default Metric : 0
Poison Reverse : Enabled
<Apply> <OK>
RIP authentication type. |
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Parameter Description
Authentication can be used to ensure that routing information comes
from a valid source. The options include none or a simple password.
A simple password must be provided if authentication is enabled. (An
authentication string is case sensitive, and can be up to 16 characters.)
Send Type The protocol used for traffic sent out this port:
RIP1 Broadcast Route information is broadcast to other routers on
the network using RIPv1 message.
RIP2 Broadcast Route information is broadcast to other routers on
the network using RIPv2 message.
RIP2 Multicast Route information is multicast to other routers on the
network using RIPv2 message.
Do Not Send The switch will passively monitor route information
transmitted by other routers attached to the network.
Receive Type The routing protocol messages accepted on this port includes RIP1,
RIP2, RIP1 / RIP2, or Disabled (i.e., none received).
Default Metric A “metric” indicates the number of hops between the switch and the
destination network.
The “default metric” is used for the default route in RIP updates
originated on this interface. A value of zero indicates that no default
route should be originated; in this case, a default route via another
router may be propagated. Range: 0-15
Propagates routes back to an interface port from which they have been
acquired, but sets the distance vector metrics to infinity.
* This is a method of preventing routing information from looping back to the source.
Note that Split Horizon is also enabled on this switch for this purpose. (See “RIP and
RIP-2 Dynamic Routing Protocols” on chapter 4.)