For connection to Router, Bridge, or regular 100Base-X Hub, please refer to the
device’s Technical Manual for respective bit-time delay.
Switch Hub Cascading and Long-Haul Connection
Theoretically, the switch hub breaks up the collision domain in hub cascading that
you may up-link the hubs unlimitedly. In practice, the network extension
(cascading levels & overall diameter) is limited by the timing requirement--time-out
specification--of your application software and network operating system.
A hierarchical network with minimum levels of hub may reduce the timing delay
between server and client station. If more than two hubs are connected in the
same room, select one hub as Level 1 hub and connect all other hubs to it at Level
2. Server/Host is recommended to connect to the Level 1 hub. By following this
approach, it will minimize the number of hubs in any one path and will improve
network efficiency. (See Fig. 2-1)
The fiber switch(single mode transceiver) with single mode fiber can provide the
long haul connection up to 15km per segment, you may extend the distance by
cascading the switch and meet the timing requirement of your application
software. Sum up all elements’ bit-time delay and the overall bit-time delay of
wires/devices must be within 512 bit in a 100Base-X network segment (collision
domain). The fiber cables and devices’ bit-time delay(round trip) is as below:
100Base-TX 100Base-FX
Class II Hub: 92 Class II Hub: 92
Cat. 5 TP Wire: 1.112/m Fiber Cable: 1.0/m
100Base-TX to 100Base-FX Converter: 56
DTE FX to DTE TX :100