Other Settings & Features
Log Settings (Syslog)
If you have a Syslog Server on your LAN, this screen allows you to configure the Access Point
to send log data to your Syslog Server.
Figure 56: Log Settings (Syslog) Screen
Data - Log Settings Screen
Syslog Server
Select the desired Option:
• Disable - Syslog server is not used.
• Broadcast - Syslog data is broadcast. Use this option if
different PCs act as the Syslog server at different times.
• Send to specified Syslog Server - Select this if the same
PC is always used as the Syslog server. If selected, you
must enter the server address in the field provided.
Syslog Server Address
Enter the name or IP address of your Syslog Server.
Minimum Severity Level
Select the desired severity level. Events with a severtiy level
equal to or higher (i.e. lower number) than the selected level
will be logged.