
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is APK?
A: APK is the acronym for Android Installation Packages.
Q: Where can I find APKs?
A: APKs can be downloaded by a PC-side installation or found in the Android Market.
Q: Can I use any of my personal email addresses to send/receive email?
A: The device supports POP3 and SMTP accounts. Some free email accounts are not
supported on mobile devices. Check with your email provider to see if your account is
Q: Which media cards are compatible with my device?
A: Micro SD cards.
Q: Do I need a Wi-Fi adapter to connect to the Internet?
A: No. The Wi-Fi adapter is built into the device.
Service and support
For information: www.lenco.com
For support: http://lencosupport.zendesk.com
Lenco helpdesk:
Germany 0900-1520530 (Local charges)
The Netherlands 0900-23553626 (Local charges + 1ct p/min)
Belgium 02-6200115 (Local charges)
France 03-81484280 (Local charges)
The helpdesk is accessible from Monday till Friday from 9 AM till 6 PM.
When contacting Lenco, you will always be asked for the model and serial number of
your product. The serial number can be found on the back of the device. Please write
down the serial number below:
Model: TAB-705
Serial number:_________________________________
Lenco offers service and warranty in accordance to European law, which means that in
case of repairs (both during and after the warranty period) you should contact your local