Leica E Series Manual 46
For instructions on operating the instru-
ment in PC mode, refer to the DVD inclu-
ded in the standard delivery of the Leica EZ4 HD.
The 10× eyepieces of the Leica EZ4 HD
have a eld of view of 20 mm. Unlike the
circular object eld through the eyepieces, the
image section of the camera is rectangular and
has a diagonal measurement of 16.4 mm. There-
fore, the image eld of the camera is smaller
than the visible object eld through the eyepi-
Installing and Connecting
1. Place the DVD provided into the computer's
disk drive and follow the instructions for
loading the software.
2. Connect the camera and the computer
using the USB cable.
The LED changes color from yellow to
red. You can now start the software. Once
you have done so, the LED ashes yellow briey,
then stays steady green.
3. Follow the instructions in the software for
adjusting and acquiring an image.
PC Mode: Use with a Computer