
XPort® Pro Lx6 Embedded Device Server User Guide 43
9: Services Settings
DNS Settings
This section describes the active run-time settings for the domain name system (DNS) protocol.
The primary and secondary DNS addresses come from the active interface. The static addresses
from the Network Interface configuration settings may be overridden by DHCP.
Note: The blue text in the XML command strings of this chapter are to be replaced with
a user-specified name.
Table 9-1 DNS Settings
To View or Configure DNS Settings:
Using Web Manager
To view DNS current status, click DNS in the menu and select Status.
To lookup DNS name or IP address, click DNS in the menu, select Status, and enter an IP
address or hostname in the Lookup field.
To set IPv6 precedence, click DNS in the menu and select Configuration.
Note: To configure DNS for cases where it is not supplied by a protocol, click Network
in the menu and select Interface -> Configuration.
Using the CLI
To enter the DNS command level: enable -> dns
Using XML
Include in your file: <configgroup name=”interface” instance=”eth0”>
Setting / Field Description
Lookup Perform one of the following and click Lookup:
Enter either an IPv4 or IPv6 address and perform a reverse Lookup to locate the
hostname for that IP address.
Enter a hostname, and perform a forward Lookup to locate the corresponding IP
IPv6 Precedence Select to specify IPv6 or IPv4 precedence:
Enabled: When enabled, IPv6 DNS records will take precedence over IPv4
records when connecting to a host.
Disabled: When disabled, IPv4 DNS records will take precednce over IPv6
DNS when connecting to a host. This is the default setting.