Operation Guide 39
Advanced > Protocols > NetBEUI
Peer-to-peer printing is available using NetBEUI protocol. With this method, the printing
system is located in Windows Network Neighborhood.
Advanced > E-mail > SMTP > General
This machine can send Low Toner and other information via E-mail to the specified mail
address. To use the mail function, configure SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) to
connect this machine to an E-mail server.
Item Description
Enables or disables NetBEUI protocol.
If NetBEUI is turned On, name resolution via NetBIOS
(NMB) can be used.
Printer Name
Printer Name correlates with Host Name in the TCP/IP
General page (refer to Advanced > Protocols > TCP/IP >
General on page 34). If you want to change the NetBEUI
printer name, change the TCP/IP Host Name.
Workgroup represents the workgroup which will appear in
Entire Network in Windows Network Neighborhood.
You can enter comments here. (This can also be left blank.)
Item Description
SMTP Protocol
Enables or disables SMTP protocol. To use E-mail, this
protocol must be enabled.
Set the SMTP Port Number or use the SMTP default port 25.
SMTP Server
Enter the SMTP server name or its IP address. If entering the
name, rather than the IP address, a DNS server address
must also be configured. The DNS server address may be
entered on the TCP/IP General page (refer to Advanced >
Protocols > TCP/IP > General on page 34).
SMTP Server
Sets the timeout in seconds during which this machine tries
to connect to the SMTP server.
Enables or disables the SMTP authentication protocol or
sets POP before SMTP as the protocol. The SMTP
authentication supports Microsoft Exchange 2000.
Authenticate as
Specifies the user to be authenticated in SMTP
authentication. When POP3 User 1 to 3 (refer to Advanced >
E-mail > POP3 > User # on page 41) and iFAX User are set,
you can select one of them. If you want to select a different
user, select Other and enter the login account name and
login password for authentication.
Login User
When Other is selected for Authenticate as, the account
name set here will be used for SMTP authentication.