8 EEB 9600.0 USA
Recommended temperatures for baking
The recommended temperatures for the preferred operating modes have been highlighted. Please refer to the tips on p. 7!
Type of cake or biscuit
Hot air convention # Top heat/bottom heat $
Intensive hot air convention 0
Pizza mode
Temperature rack
Temperature rack
Temperature in
Cake mixture
Ring cake 3 300-320 °F 150-160 °C 1 340-355 °F 170-180 °C 50-70
Tin cake 3 300-320 °F 150-160 °C 1 340-375 °F 170-190 °C 50-70
Madeira cake 3 300-320 °F 150-160 °C 1 320-355 °F 160-180 °C 60-70
Gateaux and flans 3 300-320 °F 150-160 °C 1 340-355 °F 170-180 °C 40-60
Flan bases 3 340-355 °F 170-180 °C 2 355-390 °F 180-200 °C 20-30
Fine fruit flans 3 300-320 °F 150-160 °C 1 340-355 °F 170-180 °C 3 300-320 °F 150-160 °C 45-60
Small biscuits 3 300 °F 150 °C 2 340-355 °F 170-180 °C 15-30
Large flat cakes:
with a dry topping 3 300-320 °F 150-160 °C 2 355-375 °F 180-190 °C 3 0 300-320 °F 0 150-160 °C 30-45
with a moist topping 3 320-340 °F 160-170 °C 2 340-355 °F 170-180 °C 3
320-340 °F 160-170 °C 40-60
Kneaded dough
Flan bases 3 340-355 °F 170-180 °C 2 355-390 °F 180-200 °C 25-35
Cheese cake 3 285-300 °F 140-150 °C 1 320-340 °F 160-170 °C 3
285-300 °F 140-150 °C 70-90
Small bisquits 3 285-300 °F 140-150 °C 2 355-375 °F 180-190 °C 15-35
Large flat cakes:
with a dry topping 3 300-320 °F 150-160 °C 2 355-375 °F 180-190 °C 3 0 300-320 °F 0 150-160 °C 30-45
with a moist topping 3 320-340 °F 160-170 °C 2 340-355 °F 170-180 °C 3
320-340 °F 160-170 °C 30-50
Leavened dough
Ring cake 3 300-320 °F 150-160 °C 1 350-355 °F 175-180 °C 40-60
Yeast cake 3 300-320 °F 150-160 °C 2 350-355 °F 175-180 °C 40-50
Rich sweet bread (preheated) 3 300-320 °F 150-160 °C 2 350-355 °F 175-180 °C 50-70
Small biscuits 3 285-300 °F 140-150 °C 2 355-390 °F 180-200 °C 12-25
Large flat cakes:
with a dry topping 3 300-320 °F 150-160 °C 2 350-355 °F 175-180 °C 3 0 300-320 °F 0 150-160 °C 30-45
with a moist topping 3 320-340 °F 160-170 °C2340-355 °F 170-180 °C 3
320-340 °F 160-170 °C 40-60
Sponge cake
Gateaux and flans 3 300-320 °F 150-160 °C 2 350-355 °F 175-180 °C 30-45
Rolls 3 340-355 °F 170-180 °C 2 355-390 °F 180-200 °C 12-25
Biscuits made with white of egg
Meringue 3 175-195 °F 80-90 °C 2 210-250 °F 100-120 °C 80-90
Cinnamon stars 3 210-250 °F 100-120 °C 2 250-285 °F 120-140 °C15-20
Macaroons 3 210-250 °F 100-120 °C 2 250-285 °F 120-140 °C 20-40
Other doughs
Puff pastry 3 340-355 °F 170-180 °C 2 375-410 °F 190-210 °C 15-30
Puff pastry made with leavened
3 340-355 °F 170-180 °C 2 375-410 °F 190-210 °C 30-40
Puff pastry made with curd cheese 3 320-355 °F 160-180 °C 2 355-390 °F 180-200 °C30-40
Choux pastry 3 340-355 °F 170-180 °C 2 375-410 °F 190-210 °C 30-40
Dough made with curd cheese and
3 300-320 °F 150-160 °C 2 340-355 °F 170-180 °C 30-40
Honey cake 3 285-300 °F 140-150 °C 2 340-355 °F 170-180 °C 30-45
Bread and pizza
Leaven and bread made with yeast
(preheat: 445 °F/230 °C, preb-
ake: 10 min., 445 °F/230 °C)
2 355 °F 180 °C 2/3
320 °F 160 °C
Bread made with yeast/white
2 390 °F 200 °C 3
355 °F 180 °C 30-50
Pretzels (preheat: 445 °F/230 °C) 2
390 °F 200 °C 2 430 °F 220 °C 15-20
Pizza (preheat: 480 °F250 °C) 0 480 °F 250 °C 12-15