9. Rear Turn Signal
Installation: Looking at the
inside edge of the taillight,
locate the slightly raised
“guides” on each side (see
Photo 5). These are where
the rear turn signals will
mount on the taillight. Mark
the center of these guides
with an awl and drill a 13/32”
hole through the center of
each one. Mount two of the
turn signals to these locations.
Photo 5
Drill 13/32” hole here
(rear turn signal
mounting location)
10. Rear Turn Signal and
License Plate Illuminator
Wire Routing: Route the rear
turn signal and license plate
illuminator light wires through
the hole in the taillight you
drilled in step 7. (See Photo 6)
Use a zip-tie to secure the
license plate illuminator wires
in place.
Photo 6
Route wires through hole
11. Rear Wiring Harness
Installation: Locate the
longer of the two gray cables
that came in the dual-sport
kit. It will have a plastic plug
on one end and several
female terminals on the
other. Position the harness
so the female terminals can
connect with the males from
the turn signals and
illuminator light. Once it is
positioned make the
following connections:
Attach one of the two
white wires from the
license plate
illuminator (doesn’t matter which) to the black female terminal from
the gray cable.
Photo 7
Rear wiring
Attach the remaining white wire from the license plate illuminator to
the red wire from the gray cable.
Attach one of the two wires (doesn’t matter which) from the right
turn signal to the green wire from the gray cable.