Installing the Printer Driver
IC-204 2-5
5 When the setup selection dialog box appears, click the “Install printers/
The connected printers and machines are detected.
6 Select [Install printers/MFPs] and
click [Next].
[Select Printer/MFP to install] win-
dow appears.
7 Select and install this machine. This machine can be selected by either
way of two as shown below.
– Selection from list detected
When this machine is detected on the TCP/IP network, for instance,
the driver name (KONICA MINOLTA bizhub 500 (or 420/360)) is dis-
played on the screen as shown below. Then select [Select Printers/
MFPs to Install from the List. You can select Multiple Printers/
MFPs], turn the check box on the left of the driver name to ON and
click [Next].
– “Confirm Installation Settings”
window is displayed.
– If no machine is detected, click
the [Search Setting], enter the IP
address and subnet mask and
click the [Search].