
4-14. LDAP Setup
II Network Setup - Administrators only 82
Chapter 4 Setting from the Control Panel
LDAP Server Setup (Part 3 of 4)
1 Use [ ] and [ ] to access to [LDAP Server Setup] screen (3/4) from screen (2/4).
zFor details on the procedure for displaying the [Network setting] screen, refer to [4-2.Method for Setting Network from
Control Panel] ( Page 23).
Enable SSL
Sets whether or not to use SSL (Secure Socket Layer) when connecting to the LDAP server.
1 Touch either the [ON] or [OFF] key in the [Enable SSL] menu.
[ON] : Enables SSL
[OFF] : Disables SSL
Port No.
Sets the port number for the LDAP server.
If the Port No. is changed improperly, it could cause network problems. Do not change the port number
unless it is necessary for a particular reason.
1 Using the control panel, enter a number between 1 and 65535.
zThe port number is changed automatically according to the settings for the [Enable SSL].
When [ON] is selected : 636
When [OFF] is selected : 389