
Installing the Printer Driver
Installing the Printer Driver
" This manual provides scriptions using dialog boxes for magicolor
Since the dialog boxes appear the same for magicolor 5550, the dia-
log boxes for magicolor 5570 are used in the following descriptions.
" Before proceeding with the installation, be sure to exit all running
Installing the magicolor 5570(5550) Printer Driver
" The procedure for installing the printer driver on Mac OS 9.2 is
described below. The following procedure or some steps may be dif-
ferent depending on the version of the operating system being used.
Complete the installation according to the instructions in the dialog
boxes that appear.
1 Double-click the mc5570(5550)PS OS9 Installer icon.
The installer for the printer driver starts up.
" When using Mac OS X, start up the Classic environment before
installing the printer driver.
2 Check the details of the License Agreement, and click Accept if you
agree to the terms of the license.