- 9 -
Before you bake a particular type of bread with
time delay first try out the recipe under observation,
to ensure that the relationships of the ingredients to
each other is correct, the dough is not too firm or
too thin, or the amounts are not too large and could
then possibly overflow. Risk of fire!
A standard mixed-flour bread with medium browning
and a larger bread weight is to be baked during
a later period of time. For this, select first of all Pro-
grammme 1 Ấ, medium Browning Level Ạ and the
Bread Weight 900 g ạ (large bread weight). Let
us assume it is 08:00 and the bread should be ready
in the evening at around 17:30, i.e. in 9 hours and
30 minutes time. Press the button Time Ả until 9:30
appears, as the time period to be considered is one
of nine hours and 30 minutes, between "now"
(08:00) and the desired time of completion. With
time delayed baking please do not use perishable
ingredients such as milk, eggs, fruit, yoghurt, onions
• To start the programme, press the button
Start/Stop ả.
Mixing and kneading dough
The Bread Baking Machine mixes and kneads the
dough for as long as is scheduled in the baking
programme (see Table).
Tip: After 5 minutes of kneading, check the consistency
of the dough. It should be a soft, sticky lump.
If it is too dry, add some liquid to it. If it is too
moist, add some flour (1/2 to 1 teaspoon, one
or more times as required).
Tip: If you remove the kneading hook q from the
dough after the last kneading process, the bread
will not be torn when removing it from the baking
mould 4. For this, you must interrupt the baking
• To interrupt the baking programme remove the
plug from the wall socket. DO NOT press the
button Start/Stop ả.
• Open the appliance lid 2 and remove the
baking mould 4.
Take the dough out with floured hands and
remove the kneading hook q.
• Place the dough back into the baking mould 4,
replace the baking mould in the appliance and
close the lid 2.
• Reinsert the plug into the wall socket. The baking
programme will be continued automatically.
The interruption may not last longer than 10 minutes!
If it does, the baking programme will not be continued.
Allowing the dough to rise
After the last kneading, the Bread Baking Machine
creates the optimal temperature for the dough to
rise. Absolutely leave the appliance lid 2 closed
during this period.
Risk of Burns!
Never open the appliance lid 2 during the baking
Do not open the appliance lid 2 during the baking
process. The bread could collapse.
IB_KH1172_E4980_LB6.qxd 20.06.2008 10:23 Uhr Seite 9