Foodstuff Codes
Nutrition Scales KH 809
177 Sandwich, "Submarine" in
Baguette with cold cuts
178 Strudel, Apple
179 Tortilla, Chips, Nacho
180 Tortilla, Chips, low-fat fried
181 Tortilla Chips, plain
182 Tortilla, Chips, red, Nacho,
183 Tortilla, made of fl our
184 Tortilla, made of cornfl our
185 Waff els, plain toasted
186 Waff el, plain
187 Alfalfa, Sprouts, fresh
188 Amaranth
189 Aniseed, seeds
190 Arrowroot, raw
191 Arrowroot, fl our
192 Artichokes, cooked
193 Artichokes, raw
194 Asparagus, cooked
195 Asparagus, raw
196 Baked beans, in tomato sauce
197 Baked beans, unsalted
198 Baked beans, with Chipolatas
199 Bamboo shoots, in the can
200 Bamboo shoots, raw
201 Runner beans, fresh
202 Beans, black, cooked
203 Beans, black, dried
204 Beans, Cranberry Beans, tinned
205 Beans, Cranberry Beans,
206 Beans, Cranberry Beans, dried
207 Beans, Princessbeans, dried
208 Beans, Kidney beans, tinned
209 Beans, Kidney beans, cooked
210 Beans, Kidney beans, dried
211 Beans, White beans, sprouted
212 Beans, White beans, sprouted,
213 Beans, Kidney beans, canned
214 Beans, Kidney beans, cooked
215 Beans, Pinto beans, dried
216 Beans, French beans, cooked
217 Beans, French beans, fresh
218 Beansprouts, Mungo beans,
219 Beansprouts, Mung beans,
220 Beansprouts, Mung beans,
221 Broccoli, raw
222 Broccoli, cooked, from frozen
223 Broccoli, cooked
224 Brussels sprouts, cooked
225 Brussels sprouts, raw
226 Brussels sprouts, cooked, from
227 Cabbage, Chinese cabbage,
228 Cabbage, Pak Choi, raw
229 Cabbage, Savoy, raw
230 Cabbage, White cabbage,
231 Cabbage, White cabbage,
232 Red cabbage, raw
233 Carob