
July 1998 11-1
11 Printing
11.1 PostScript and Raster Modes
Kodak printers with the PS extension support both PostScript and raster
printing. Models without the PS extension support only raster mode.
Kodak provides PostScript drivers for PostScript mode printing and export
modules for raster mode printing from Macintosh and Windows platforms.
The Adobe Photoshop application must be purchased from Adobe for use
with export modules (plug-ins).
11.1.1 PostScript Drivers
Printing in PostScript mode is supported by PostScript drivers for Kodak
printers for most efÞcient generation of PostScript code.
Any PostScript driver can be used to generate PostScript Þles to send to
a Kodak printer. However, these drivers may not produce code as
efÞciently as a Kodak driver. Also, generic PostScript drivers may not be
able to support Kodak printer-speciÞc features unless your system uses
product- speciÞc PPDs that any PostScript driver can access.
11.1.2 Raster Drivers
Raster mode is supported by a Kodak proprietary raster printing language
that can generate printing code that is even more efÞcient than PostScript
code generated by a Kodak driver.
11.1.3 Language Efficiency vs Network and Printer Performance
Kodak raster drivers and PostScript drivers for Kodak printers were
developed with full knowledge of the architecture of Kodak printers.
Printer code generation efÞciency is reßected as improvements in print Þle
transfer speed and printer processing performance.
11.1.4 Non-Kodak Printer Software
Applications and drivers are also available from third-party support
vendors for most platforms. For information on vendors and software
solutions, see the Kodak Web site: www.kodak.com.